Independence Day
15th Aug. 2020 .
I know everybody is aware of the date, year, and even name of this special occasion INDEPENDENCE DAY, feel so good hearing this from every Indian today. It’s so colorful everywhere with saffron, white, green, and blue, including relaxing sounds of the Patriotic Songs and many more good good things all around.
So, this is how we celebrate or are meant to celebrate 15th August because on this particular day we got free from Britishers. They were white people or can be said people who don’t belong to Indians but what about our own people The Indians, are we really independent ?Some may say yes I am, because the meaning of independence differ with person to person. Talking as a whole we aren’t in real.
Freedom from Communalism. We are not different but yes, for politicians we definitely have different vote banks. We have studied in our childhood that- “Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians All live together in brotherhood.” Whether it’s still in the syllabus ?No idea, But need to be still taught and in fact we too require it’s revision. Freedom from Casteism, With the chains of casteism we’ve tied ourselves today.
Should I tell you the truth?
This isn’t a life imprisonment, if you want, you can escape from this jail today itself but this would have done beforehand only if people really wanted to do but no it’s something we are not trying.
Why a person belonging to lower caste cannot stand matching shoulder to higher caste person?
Why a girl with higher caste can’t marry a boy with lower ?
Why are few selected jobs meant for only lower caste?
Such, questions will remain unanswered forever, till we don’t put our own step forward without seeing others and leaving behind the concept of being judged .
Freedom from Racism
Oh our beloved northeast, while as children we mugged up the names of India’s 7 sisters. Today with those 7 names we are also forgetting the people living there.
I hope you are all aware of the fact that this is only not the example left of the racism but still many exist.
Freedom from patriarchy
‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’(Save daughters, educate daughters) till the time it’s only written on walls and trucks the difference between a girl and a boy will not lessen in this country.
Even today,
Girls should make round not their circles in geometry class but round chapatis in their kitchens.
They are not safe on the streets late night.
They are not free for choosing their career, their life partner, etc.
and the list doesn’t end here but many more bitter truths in line.
inspite of all this I am proud to be an Indian off course. The names like ‘Jewel in the Crown’, ‘The orient’, ‘Son Chiraiya’ are really worth it because our motherland really deserves but to keep them polished forever we need to work a bit on our thinking.
Jai Hind, Jai Bharat!!